Choose your ikandoo plan
Featured Listing
£ 12.00 Plus £0.00 tax / 30 days Per Listing
BE SEEN: Featured listings are displayed prominently on the homepage and across the website, plus enjoy additional features such as more tags, images and categories, as well as the ability to include a tagline, pricing information and video.
- Auto renewing
- Contact Owner
- Business Name
- Write a description of your business services. (Unlimited Write a description of your business services.)
- Location (Unlimited Location)
- Keywords (Maximum of 15)
- Category (Maximum of 3)
- Phone
- Website
- Social Info
- Map
- Images (Maximum of 5)
- Video
- Tagline
- Address
- Your Name
- Business Type
- Allow Customer Review
Extended Basic Listing
£ 7.00 Plus £0.00 tax / 30 days Per Listing
Monthly package which includes additional information about your business.
- Auto renewing
- Listing as featured
- Contact Owner
- Business Name
- Write a description of your business services. (Maximum of 100)
- Location (Maximum of 5)
- Keywords (Maximum of 10)
- Category (Maximum of 2)
- Phone
- Website
- Social Info
- Map
- Images (Maximum of 3)
- Address
- Your Name
- Business Type
- Allow Customer Review
FREE listing
£ 0.00 Plus £0.00 tax / Lifetime Per Package
Promote your ikandoo for FREE.
- Unlimited Regular Listings
- Contact Owner
- Business Name
- Write a description of your business services. (Maximum of 80)
- Keywords (Maximum of 5)
- Category (Maximum of 1)
- Phone
- Images (Maximum of 1)
- Address
- Your Name
- Business Type